A Deep Dive Into Maximizing Storage Density and Flexibility With Hai Robotics


In this episode of Hai-er Automation, host Michelle Dawn Mooney explores the topic of maximizing storage density while maintaining flexibility in warehouse operations. The guests for this discussion are Hunter Senn, Director of Sales at Hai Robotics USA, and Richie Chen, Founder and CEO of Hai Robotics.

maximzing storage densityWe've summarized the episode highlights below.

Defining storage density, and three reasons why it's crucial for businesses:

Storage density, or how much inventory a facility can hold, is essential for businesses seeking cost efficiency, growth accommodation, and successful distribution center consolidation, Senn says. It underpins optimal space utilization, which is crucial for three reasons.

  1. Cost efficiency: Greater storage density helps save space, reducing real estate expenses.

  2. Inventory management: To handle a growing range of products and volumes, enhanced storage density helps optimize inventory management.

  3. Distribution center consolidation: Centralizing facilities requires optimal space utilization, making storage density vital for success.

How goods-to-person robotic systems contribute to improved storage density compared to traditional warehousing methods: Goods-to-person robotic systems improve warehouse efficiency by significantly increasing storage density — achieving up to 3x more capacity through their ability to operate in high, multiple-depth spaces, Chen says.

In contrast to traditional methods designed for human operation, these systems utilize untapped vertical space and can reach more than 30 feet high.

Storage density versus operational efficiency — and how these performance indicators work together:

While storage density is crucial in fulfillment operations, it needs to be balanced with flexibility and responsiveness, Senn explains. The ability to meet customer demands for same-day or next-day fulfillment requires a delicate balance between storage density and flexibility, and businesses should look for a solution that can achieve both.

Three recommendations for companies and how Hai Robotics and help achieve their storage upgrade goals: Companies looking to upgrade their warehouse operations will benefit from:

  1. Analyzing business-specific requirements such as inventory volume, desired throughput, and cut-off times.

  2. Initiating warehousing automation on a lighter scale; understanding performance before scaling up.

  3. Choosing a warehouse automation solution that supports flexible, cost-effective growth.

Key highlights of HaiPick System 3: HaiPick System 3 empowers the following, Chen says:

  • Maximum storage density. Hai's next-gen system can achieve up to 3-deep tote storage.

  • Flexibility and speed. System 3's Fast-Transit AMR allows for quick product access with a linear speed of up to 4 meters per second.

  • Cost-efficiency. Hai's scalable system encourages minimal initial investment for substantial performance improvements.

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